Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This is Oliver, my baby. He is an 8 year old Himalayan Seal point. Most of the time, if you look above the store, you will find him gazing out the window just observing all the activity below. He has been known to wander into the store and office for some attention so you may catch a glimpse! We adopted Oliver a year ago when his previous owner had to move to a nursing home. All of our cats are "used" or more politically correct: "previously enjoyed."
(P.S. He does have eyes! I can never get a picture with them open because of the flash :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just Because...

This is Daisy. She is one of our three cats (two Siamese sisters and a male Himalayan seal point). You might see her around the office when you visit. She likes to be let out of the house and then sits by the office/store door begging customers to let her back in with this really sad face as if we were neglecting her (pssshhh...sure!). Oh, and she does this about 15 times a day! She is the most "out-going" of the three.

She's also very sweet and loves curling up on my lap while I am trying to work :)